The Year, The Month And The Day.
By Michael Stephen Brumlow

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The Old Testament Time
From The Creation Of Adam
To The Birth Of Jesus.

The Bible Timeline.
The timeline from the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus is based on the lineage and genealogy of Jesus.
Anyone can take their own Bible and trace the timeline from beginning to the end.

There are two catches and three gaps on the timeline but God clarifies the two catches and fills in the three gaps by giving the number of years in each gap. That is amazing and proof that God is in control of His word and not man.

We trace the Bible timeline beginning with the genealogy of Adam in Genesis chapter 5 from father to son.
You can trace the beginning of the timeline from Adam to Jacob by adding the number of years of how old each father was when his son is born.

The Creation Of Adam And Eve - 4000 BC.
Adam is 130 years old when Seth is born - 3870 BC.
Seth is 105 years old when Enos is born - 3765 BC.
Enos is 90 years old when Cainan is born - 3675 BC.
Cainan is 70 years old when Mahalaleel is born - 3605 BC.
Mahalaleel is 65 years old when Jared is born - 3540 BC.
Jared is 162 years old when Enoch is born - 3378 BC.
Enoch is 65 years old when Methuselah is born - 3313 BC.
Methuselah is 187 years old when Lamech is born - 3126 BC.
Lamech is 182 years old when Noah is born - 2944 BC.
Noah was 500 years old when he began to have sons but Noah was 502 years old when his son Shem was born, so we add 502 years to the timeline instead of 500.

Total years from the beginning to Noah, 1,558 years.

How do we know Noah was 502 years old when Shem was born?
When you come to Noah the timeline has a catch but the Bible is specific.

Shem is listed first but Shem is the 3rd son.
Why is Shem listed first if he is the 3rd Son?
Because Shem is from whom Jesus will descend.
The Bible says Noah was 500 years old when his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth are born, Genesis 5:32. That would leave you to believe that Noah was 500 years old when Shem is born but here’s the catch.
It is not until later that the Bible reveals that Noah was 502 years old when Shem is born. This is also shown later in Genesis chapter 10 when the genealogy of Shem, Ham and Japheth are given and Japheth is listed first as the first born, then Ham and then Shem.
Noah was 600 years old at the time of the flood, Genesis 7:6.
The timeline picks up in Genesis chapter 11 after the story of Noah and God’s destruction of the world by flood.
The Bible says Shem was 100 years old 2 years after the flood when his son Arphaxad is born, Genesis 11:10. Which means Noah was 502 years old when Shem is born since Noah was 600 years old at the flood and then 2 years later Noah is 602 years old when Shem is 100 years old. The Bible is remarkable. God did not leave anything out.

Shem is 100 years old when Arphaxad is born - 2342 BC.
Arphaxad is 35 years old when Salah is born - 2307 BC.
Salah is 30 years old when Eber is born - 2277 BC.
Eber is 34 years old when Peleg is born - 2243 BC.
Peleg is 30 years old when Reu is born - 2213 BC.
Reu is 32 years old when Serug is born - 2181 BC.
Serug is 30 years old when Nahor is born - 2151 BC.
Nahor is 29 years old when Terah is born - 2122 BC.
Terah is 70 years old when Abraham is born - 2052 BC.
Abraham is 100 years old when Isaac is born - 1952 BC, Genesis 21:5.
Isaac is 60 years old when Jacob is born - 1892 BC, Genesis 25:26.

The timeline from Father to son stops with Jacob but the Bible continues the timeline by saying that Jacob is 130 years old when he goes down into Egypt in 1762 BC, Genesis 47:9.

Add 130 years to the timeline.
Total years from the beginning, 2,238 years.

Now we have two gaps in the timeline but the Bible fills in the gaps.
After Jacob goes down into Egypt, the Hebrew children are in Egypt 430 years until the Exodus in 1332 BC, Exodus 12:40.

Add 430 years to the timeline.
Total years from the beginning, 2,668 years.

The next gap is from the Exodus to the building of Solomon’s Temple.
The Temple is built in the 4th year of Solomon’s reign in the second month of Zif, 480 years and 1 month after the Exodus, I Kings 6:1.
The Exodus was in the month of Nisan, which is the first month of the year and the month of Passover. So, the second month Zif (Ziv) would be 1 month from the month of Nisan. 480 years and 1 month.
That 1 month is important.

Add 480 years and 1 month to the timeline.
Total years from the beginning 3,148 years and 1 month.

We pick up the timeline again at the reign of Solomon in the book of Kings and Chronicles and the Bible says how long each king reigns over Judah from king Solomon to king Jehoiachin.

Solomon reigned for 40 years but the timeline is from the exodus to the building of the Temple in the 4th year of Solomon’s reign in 852 BC, so we add 36 years to the timeline instead of 40.
Solomon begins to build the Temple 480 years and 1 month after the Exodus in the 4th year of his reign in 852 BC, I Kings 6:1.
Solomon began his reign 4 years earlier in 856 BC which means king David rules 40 years from 896 BC - 856 BC.
Solomon dies in 816 BC after a 40 years reign, 36 years after he begins to build the Temple in the 4th year of his reign.
Rehoboam reigns 17 years until 799 BC.
Abijah reigns 3 years until 796 BC.
Asa reigns 41 years until 755 BC.
Jehoshaphat reigns 25 years until 730 BC.
Jehoram reigns 8 years until 722 BC.
Ahaziah reigns 1 year until 721 BC.
Athaliah reigns 6 years until 715 BC.
Jehoash reigns 40 years until 675 BC.
Amaziah reigns 29 years until 646 BC.
Uzziah reigns 52 years until 594 BC.
Jotham reigns 16 years until 578 BC.
Ahaz reigns 16 years until 562 BC.
Hezekiah reigns 29 years until 533 BC.
Manasseh reigns 55 years until 478 BC.
Amon reigns 2 years until 476 BC.
Josiah reigns 31 years until 445 BC.
Jehoahaz reign 3 months in 445 BC.
Jehoiakim reigns 11 years until 434 BC.
Jehoiachin reigns 3 months 10 days in 434 BC.
Babylonian Captivity 434 BC.

Those 2 kings and the 6 months and 10 days are important.

Then came king Nebuchadnezzar up from Babylon and carried away king Jehoiachin and his family into Babylon and made Mattaniah king and changed his name to Zedekiah. Mattaniah was the brother of king Jehoichin’s father.
Zedekiah is not in the lineage of Jesus and is not a part of the timeline.
He was appointed as king by king Nebuchadnezzar.
The timeline at this point ends with king Jehoiachin being taken captive and taken to Babylon. This is confirmed in Matthew chapter 1.
Jehoiachin is the last king of Judah in the linage of Jesus.

Total years from the beginning 3,566 years, 7 months and 10 days.

After king Jehoiachin there is another gap but the Bible fills in the gap with the 70 weeks of Daniel.

The 70 weeks of Daniel is divided into 3 parts, Daniel chapter 9.
62 weeks, 434 years from the Babylonian captivity to the birth of Jesus.

7 weeks, 49 years from the Babylonian captivity to the commandment from king Cyrus for the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple, 385 BC.
The Commandment goes forth from King Cyrus in 385 BC. By 384 BC in the year of jubilee the first group of Jews arrive in Jerusalem.

1 week, 7 years reserved for the last days, the Great Tribulation when the 3rd Temple is built and the antiChrist rules the world. This is when the antiChrist stands in the 3rd Temple and commits the abomination of desolation prophesied by Daniel and by Jesus.

In Daniel chapter 9 verse 26 says, And after threescore and two weeks (62 weeks which is 434 years) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: What does that mean?
It means the timeline ended with Jesus because Jesus had no children or descendants.

The timeline is based on the lineage and genealogy of Jesus.
The timeline begins with Jesus at the creation of Adam and the timeline ends with Jesus being born. Think about that.
From the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus.

The 62 weeks which is 434 years is from king Jehoiachin to the birth of Jesus which brings us to 00AD.

Add 434 years to the timeline.
Total Years From Adam To The Birth Of Jesus,
4000 years, 7 months and 10 days.

Jesus Was Born On The Day Of Atone In The 7th Month of Tishrei And On The 10th Day, Leviticus 16:29-34. There’s the verse I told you that gives the month and day Jesus would be born.

It just fits to the year, month and day. God’s word is perfect.

Important Note:
Jesus was of the house of David though His father Joseph who was a descendant of king Solomon, Matthew chapter 1.
However, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost but Jesus was also a descendant of king David by His mother Mary who was a descendant of king David’s son Nathan, Luke chapter 3.

Later on in the book I will explain the 70 weeks of Daniel divided into 3 parts and what it means, which is important to the timeline.
I will also explain in detail the importance of the 7 months and 10 days on the timeline and how God made it happen.
If you look at the timeline above you may have already figured it out.
It is so incredible how the timeline shows God is in control of his word and time. How the timeline reflects what God told Moses in Leviticus 16:29-34.

Let me ask you?
Is it just a coincidence that the timeline from Adam to Jesus is 4000 years 7 months and 10 days?
Or, that God told Moses in Leviticus 16:29-34, in the 7th month and on the 10th day you are to sacrifice an animal for the sins of the people, the Day of Atonement?
Or, that Jesus purpose for coming to be born was to atone for the sins of the world?
Or, that Luke chapter 1 puts the timing of Jesus birth on the calendar in late September at the time of the Day of Atonement in the 7th month of Tishrei?
Or, that Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again on the 3rd day at Passover?

Think About This.
If God had not mentioned those 10 days with king Jehoiachin and the 3 months and 10 days he reigned. We would not have the exact day on the timeline, the 10th day.
Why did God mention those 10 days?
The same thing with the second month of Zif in I Kings 6:1.
If God had not made a point of mentioning the second month of Zif in I Kings 6:1. Or the two kings, the one king that reigned for 3 months and the other king who reigned for 3 months and 10 days. We would not have the exact month that gives us the exact timeline of 7 months and 10 days that God told Moses in Leviticus chapter 16:29-34.
Also, remember the catch with Noah? The Bible says Noah was 500 years old when he had his 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. The Bible list Shem first which would leave you to believe that Shem was born when Noah was 500 years old. Except God clarifies it in chapters 7, 10 and 11 that Shem was actually born when Noah was 502 years old. Those 2 years that God clarified were important to put the timeline exactly to the year.
The same thing with Solomon. Solomon reigned for 40 years but God made a point to say that the timeline from the Exodus to Solomon was in the 4th year of his reign when he begins to build the Temple.
So we added 36 years to the timeline instead of 40 to give us exactly 4,000 years.
Here is something else to consider. Why do you suppose God made a point to say how old each father was when his son was born from Adam to Abraham?
Or that Jacob was 130 years old when he went down into Egypt?
Also, why would God fill in three gaps with the number of years in each gap?
Or why would God make a point to say how many years each king reigned after Solomon?

How about this? The timeline countdown from Adam to the Babylonian captivity puts the year at 434 BC when you add up all the years.
The 62 weeks of Daniel, which is the first part of the 70 weeks, is exactly 434 years from the captivity to the birth of Jesus.
That would have to be the biggest coincidence of them all.
Daniel got it right to the very year. WHY? Because God told it to him.
Are all these just coincidences? Or, is it God?
There are just too many for them all to be just a coincidence.
God wanted us to know the timeline for his purpose.

People, do you see how God is alive in the truth of his word?
God is in control because God has a purpose and a plan.
That ought to give you chills up your back if you are a true faith believing Christian. That God has proven by the evidence of the timeline His word is true because no man could have done it except only God. If you could possibly think that this is all just one big coincidence then you have no idea who God is.